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The Engineering and Technological University Ordinance, 1961 (East Pakistan Ordinance)

( Ordinance NO. XXXVI OF 1961 )

26. (1) The Authorities of the University may make Regulations not inconsistent with this Ordinance, the Statutes and the University Ordinances,-
(a) laying down the procedure to be followed at their meetings, and
(b) providing for all matters solely concerning such Authorities and not provided for by this Ordinance, the Statutes and the University Ordinances.
(2) Every Authority of the University shall make Regulations providing for the giving of notice to the members of such Authority, of the dates of meetings, of the business to be transacted at the meetings and for the keeping of records of the proceedings of the meetings.
(3) The Syndicate may direct the amendments, in such manner as it may specify, of any Regulation made under sub section (1) or sub section (2) or the annulment of any Regulation made under sub section (1):
Provided that any Authority which is dissatisfied with any such direction may appeal to the Chancellor whose decision shall be final.

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