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Chapter III
13. (1) The Corporation shall-
(a) make suitable arrangements throughout Bangladesh, on a commercial basis, for the procurement, transport, storage and distribution to agriculturists of essential supplies, such as seed, fertilisers, plant protection equipment, pesticides and agricultural machinery and implements:
Provided that some or any of such supplies may be free or subsidised with the previous approval in writing of the Government:
Provided further that, as far as practicable, these supplies shall be distributed through co operative societies;
(b) promote the setting up of co operative societies with a view to handing over to them its supply functions in accordance with a phased programme;
(c) encourage the development of co operative societies in other spheres in which the Corporation is interested;
(d) if so directed by the Government, take over and manage, on such terms and conditions as may be specified by the Government, such seed multiplication and livestock breeding farms and fruit nurseries as are owned or managed by the Government; and
1[(dd) if so directed by the Government take over and manage, on such terms and conditions as may be specified by the Government, any scheme or project prepared for the purpose of increasing agricultural production and run or managed by the Government or any agency under the administrative control of the Government; and]
(e) assist, encourage and promote the manufacture of improved agricultural machinery and implements, but shall not itself undertake any such manufacture:
Provided that it shall, if so directed by the Government, take over, on such terms and conditions as may be specified by the Government, any concern owned or managed by the Government and engaged in such manufacture.
(2) In addition to the functions enumerated in sub-section (1), the Corporation may-
(a) give loans in kind, and if so directed by the Government, shall do so, for such purposes as may be prescribed by the regulations;
(b) assist, encourage, and promote the establishment of industries for the processing of agricultural produce, the formulating or manufacturing of insecticides, pesticides, fungicides or biologicals, or the manufacturing of cattle and poultry feed;
(c) (i) organise the supply, maintenance and operation of lift pumps and tube-wells and set up light workshops for running repairs;
(ii) supply, operate and maintain lift pumps and tube-wells for the supply of water for irrigation or other purposes;
(iii) operate and maintain tractors and other implements for the supply of mechanised cultivation services;
(iv) received, by transfer, schemes for mechanised cultivation and power pump irrigation from the Government or any other agency, if any, under the administrative control of the Government, and, on transfer, any amount due to the Government or such other agency, on amount of hire charges of tractors, power pumps and other implements, shall be deemed to be the dues payable to the Corporation under this Ordinance;
(d) in consultation with the Government, encourage the expansion and improvement of industries for the manufacture of diesel engines used in agriculture, the setting up of cold storage plants, the renewal and establishment of ginneries, oil expellers, jute presses and rice huskers;
(e) if adequate facilities for servicing machinery are not available in Bangladesh, make suitable arrangements with any outside agency for providing such facilities;
(f) where adequate transport facilities are not available, provide or maintain suitable transport of its own, and if existing public or private transport agencies are unable to provide such facilities to the Corporation, assist financially or otherwise, public or private interests in setting up suitable transport services for the use of the Corporation;
(g) carry out or cause to be carried out surveys of the problems and potentials of any area proposed to be declared a Project Area under section 23, and incur expenditure on such surveys, on the training of personnel, and on studies, experiments and technical research; and
(h) contribute towards the cost of any studies, surveys, experiments or technical research connected with the functions of the Corporation and undertaken or done by any other person, body or agency.