Additional functions in Project Areas
14. Without prejudice to the generality of section 13, in a Project Area, the Corporation-
(a) shall organise the dissemination of technical knowledge among agriculturists with a view to ensuring intensive and co ordinated use of improved seeds, fertilisers, plant protection materials, better cultivation techniques, and credit, including supervised credit;
(b) shall deal with all matters pertaining to land reclamation, range management, dairy industry, organisation of agriculture in new areas, harnessing of hill streams, conservation of catchments, exploitation of potential areas, planned agriculture through suitable crop rotation and mixed farming, marketing and processing of agricultural produce and organisation of co operative and block farming;
(c) shall organise supervised credit and linking of credit with marketing through co operative societies;
(d) shall supervise cash credit in such manner as may be prescribed by the regulations;
(e) shall perform all functions, which were, immediately before the issue of notification under section 23 were being performed in such area by the Departments dealing with agriculture, animal husbandry, livestock, co operative societies, fisheries, forests and consolidation of holdings;
(f) may undertake distribution of water for irrigation;
(g) may undertake anti salinity measures;
(h) may assist, encourage and promote the use of agricultural machinery; and
(i) may organise, or enter into contracts for, such research as may be necessary for carrying out its functions, including research in land and water utilisation.