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The Agricultural Development Corporation Ordinance, 1961 (East Pakistan Ordinance)

( Ordinance NO. XXXVII OF 1961 )

Chapter VI


Abandonment of project or application to the Government to sanction it
32. (1) After the expiry of the period respectively mentioned in clauses (a) and (b) of sub section (2) of section 30 and clause (b) of sub section (2) of section 31, the Corporation shall consider any objection or representation received thereunder and after hearing all persons making any such objection or representation who may desire to be heard or their representative, the Corporation may either abandon the scheme or project or apply to the Government for sanction of the scheme or project with such modifications, if any, as the Corporation may deem necessary.
(2) Every application submitted to the Government under sub section (1) shall be accompanied by-
(a) complete plans and details of the scheme or project and an estimate of the cost of executing it;
(b) a statement of the reasons for modifications, if any, made in the scheme or project as originally prepared;
(c) a statement of objections and representations, if any, received under section 30;
(d) a list of the names of all persons, if any, who have objected under clause (b) of sub section (2) of section 31 to the proposed acquisition of their property, or the proposed recovery of development fee, and a statement of the reasons given for such objections; and
(e) a statement of the arrangements made or proposed to be made by the Corporation for the resettlement or re housing of persons who are likely to be displaced by the execution of the scheme or project.

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Ministry of Law, Justice and Parliamentary Affairs