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Chapter VII
42. (1) An owner of land comprised in any scheme or project sanctioned by the Government, or any other person having land interest therein, may apply to the Corporation that the acquisition of the land which is not required for the execution of the scheme or project be abandoned.
(2) The Corporation may admit for consideration such application if it is made at any time before the Collector has made an award under section 11 of the Land Acquisition Act, 1894, and if the application is admitted, the Corporation shall intimate this fact to the Collector who shall thereupon stay further proceedings connected with the acquisition of land in respect of which the application is admitted and the same shall not be re opened until so desired by the Corporation.
(3) The Corporation may, in its discretion, allow such application on payment of such fee and fulfilment of such terms and conditions as it may impose in this behalf.
(4) If any application under sub section (1) is rejected by the Corporation or the fee imposed under sub section (3) is not paid by the person concerned within the period specified in that behalf by the Corporation, the Corporation shall intimate the fact to the Collector who shall take up the proceedings for the acquisition of the land from the stage at which they had been stayed.
Explanation. In this section, “Collector” has the same meaning as in the Land Acquisition Act, 1894.