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The Agricultural Development Corporation Ordinance, 1961 (East Pakistan Ordinance)

( Ordinance NO. XXXVII OF 1961 )

Chapter X


Powers of Chairman as to institution, etc., of legal proceedings and obtaining legal advice
72. The Chairman may, subject to the control of the Corporation,-
(i) institute, defend or withdraw from legal proceedings under this Ordinance;
(ii) compound any offence against this Ordinance;
(iii) admit, compromise or withdraw any claim made under this Ordinance; and
(iv) obtain such legal advice and assistance as he may, from time to time, deem it necessary or expedient to obtain, or as he may be desired by the Corporation to obtain, for any of the purposes referred to in the foregoing clauses of this section, or for securing the lawful exercise or discharge of any power or duty vested in or imposed upon the Corporation or any officer or servant of the Corporation.

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Ministry of Law, Justice and Parliamentary Affairs