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The Diplomatic Immunities (Conferences with Commonwealth Countries) Act, 1963

( ACT NO. II OF 1963 )

Compilation and Publication of lists
4. (1) Where a conference is held in Bangladesh and is attended by representatives of the Government of Bangladesh and of the Government or Governments of one or more countries to which this Act applies, the Secretary shall compile, and cause to be published in the official Gazette, a list of the representatives of such Government or Governments and members of their official staffs, showing separately-
(a) the representatives; and
(b) the members of the official staffs-
(i) who are not citizens of Bangladesh, or who are not deemed to be such citizens; and
(ii) who are, or are deemed to be, such citizens.
(2) Whenever it appears to the Secretary that any person ceases or begins to be qualified for inclusion in a list, he may amend the list and cause the amendment, or, if he thinks fit, an amended list, to be published in the official Gazette.
(3) Every list or amendment published under this section in relation to any conference shall include a statement of the date from which the list or amendment takes or took effect.

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Ministry of Law, Justice and Parliamentary Affairs