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The Censorship of Films Act, 1963

( ACT NO. XVIII OF 1963 )

Certification of films
4. 1[(1) A person may submit a film to the Board, together with an application in the prescribed form, for granting a certificate that the film is suitable for public exhibition:
Provided that the Board shall not accept any feature film, not being a foreign film, for the purpose of examining its suitability for public exhibition if the total length thereof exceeds fourteen thousand feet, except where, on a request from the film producer, the Government has, for any special reason, previously agreed to relax the said limit.]
(2) If 2[the Board] after examination considers that a film is suitable for public exhibition, it shall grant a certificate to that effect to the person applying for the same and cause the film to be marked in such manner as may be prescribed.
(3) A certificate granted under sub-section (2) shall, subject to the provisions of this Act, be valid for the whole of Bangladesh, for such period, if any, as may be specified in the certificate.
(4) Where any period is specified under sub-section (3), the Board may, on application in this behalf, extend such period, or the period so extended, or dispense with the period so specified or extended.
3[(5) If the Board, after examination under section 4A, considers that-
(a) a film is as per Rules framed under this Act for public exhibition in Bangladesh, it shall refuse to grant the certificate of the film for public exhibition and shall inform the decision of refusal to the person applying for the certificate within fifteen days from the date of its decision;
(b) a film is not suitable for such public exhibition but may be suitable-
(i) if made restricted to the members of any profession or any class of persons; or
(ii) only for a specific period; or
(iii) if a specified portion thereof is excised;
it shall inform the person applying for the certificate within fifteen days from the date of its decision.]
(6) [Omitted by section 4 of the Censorship of Films (Amendment) Act, 2006 (Act No. I of 2006).]

  • 1
    Sub-section (1) was substituted by section 3 of the Censorship of Films (Amendment) Ordinance, 1982 (Ordinance No. LVIII of 1982)
  • 2
    The words “the authority” were substituted for the words “an authority” by Article 5 of the Censorship of Films (Bangladesh Amendment) Order, 1972 (President’s Order No. 41 of 1972)
  • 3
    Sub-section (5) was substituted by section 4 of the Censorship of Films (Amendment) Act, 2006 (Act No. I of 2006)
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