Suspension of certificates
5. [(1) Notwithstanding anything contained in sub-section (3) of section 4, [the Chairman may, if he is] of opinion that a certified film should not be publicly exhibited, by order, suspend, pending the orders of the Government under sub-section (4), the certificate in respect of that film.]
(2) If a [Deputy Commissioner] is of the opinion that a certified film should not be publicly exhibited within his district, he may, by order, suspend, pending the orders of [the] Government under sub-section (4), the certificate in respect of that film [* * *].
[(3) A certified film shall, during the period of suspension of its certificate under sub-section (1) or sub-section (2), be deemed to be an uncertified film in respect of the whole of Bangladesh or, as the case may be, the district concerned.]
[(4) A copy of any order of suspension made under sub-section (1) or sub-section (2), together with a statement of the reasons therefore, shall forthwith be forwarded to the Government by the [Chairman] or the [Deputy Commissioner] making the order, and the Government may either discharge the order or, by notification in the official Gazette, direct that the film shall be deemed to be an uncertified film in respect of the whole of Bangladesh:
Provided that where the Government makes no order under this sub-section within the period of sixty days from the date of making of the order of suspension, the order of suspension shall, on the expiry of such period, be deemed to have been discharged.]
(5) [Omitted by Article 7 of the Censorship of Films (Bangladesh Amendment) Order, 1972 (President's Order No. 41 of 1972).]