1. Short title, extent and commencement
4. Prohibition of mixing, colouring, staining or powdering of food, etc.
5. Prohibition of preparation, manufacture, sale, etc., of adulterated and other foods
6. Manufacture, import and sale of unwholesome food
7. Manufacture and sale of food not of proper nature or quality
9. Import or manufacture, etc., without complying with rules
10. Sale of banaspati, margarine and charbi
11. Licence for manufacture, storage and sale of goods
12. Register for manufacture and wholesale business
19. Right of private persons to have samples analysed
20. Action in respect of samples
21. Certificate of Public Analyst
22. Power of Government to seize sample
25. Certain things to be presumed
26. Declaration under section 18 to be evidence
27. Certificate of Public Analyst to be evidence of fact stated therein
28. Analysis by Chemical Examiner
29. What shall or shall not be a good defence
30. Forfeiture of food upon conviction