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The Cantonments Pure Food Act, 1966

( ACT NO. XVI OF 1966 )

2. In this Act, unless there is anything repugnant in the subject or context,-
(1) “adulterated food” means an article of food-
(i) which is not of the nature, substance or quality which it purports or is represented to be, or
(ii) which contains any such extraneous substance as may affect injuriously the nature, substance or quality thereof, or
(iii) which is processed, mixed, coloured, powdered or coated with any other substance in contravention of the rules, or
(iv) any constituent of which has been wholly or in part abstracted so as to affect injuriously its nature, substance or quality, or
(v) which contains any poisonous or other ingredient which may render it injurious to health, or
(vi) the quality or purity of which does not conform to the prescribed standards, or
(vii) which, having been prepared, packed or kept under insanitary conditions, has been contaminated or become injurious to health and “adulteration” in relation to food, shall be construed accordingly;
(2) “banaspati” means such article of food resembling ghee as is prepared by hydrogenation of edible vegetable oil and contains no milk or animal fat;
(3) “butter” means an article of food derived exclusively from the milk of cow or buffalo, whether with or without salt or other prescribed preservative;
(4) “charbi” means an article of food which resembles ghee or banaspati, but contains animal fat other than milk fat;
1[(5) “Chemical Examiner” means Director of Public Health Laboratory and includes any other officer appointed by the Government to be a Chemical Examiner for the purposes of this Act;]
(6) “cream” means that portion of the milk of cow or buffalo which is rich in fat and rises to the surface of milk on standing, or which has been separated by skimming or otherwise;
(7) “dahi” means the product obtained by lactic acid fermentation of milk;
(8) “Director” means the Director of Military Lands and Cantonments;
(9) “food” means any article used as food or drink for human consumption other than drugs or water, but not aerated water, and includes-
(i) any substance which is intended for use in the composition or preparation of food,
(ii) any flavouring matter or condiment,
(iii) any colouring matter intended for use in food, and
(iv) chewing gum and other products of like nature;
Explanation I.- Water shall be deemed to be food if it is intended for use in the composition or preparation of food;
Explanation II.- An article shall not cease to be food by reason only that it is also capable of being used as a medicine;
(10) “ghee” means ghee prepared exclusively from butter, cream or dahi;
(11) “godown” means a place where articles of food are received or stored for sale or delivery to a customer or consignee and includes godowns of the railways and of the shipping or other transport agencies;
(12) “Health Officer” means the Medical Officer or the Health Officer or the Assistant Health Officer of the Cantonment, and includes any other officer appointed by the Government to be a Health Officer for the purposes of this Act;
(13) “Inspector” means an Inspector appointed under section 15, and includes an ex officio Inspector;
(14) “local authority” means a Cantonment Board constituted under the Cantonments Act, 1924;
(15) “margarine” means any food, whether mixed with butter or not, which resembles butter and is not milk-blended butter;
(16) “milk” means the normal, clean and pure secretion obtained from the udders of a healthy cow, buffalo, goat or sheep whether boiled, pasteurised, homogenised or sterilised and includes standardised and toned milk;
(17) “misbranded food” means an article of food-
(i) which is an imitation of, or a substitute for, or resembles in a manner likely to deceive, another article of food, and is sold or is intended to be sold under the name under which such other article is sold, or is not correctly labelled to indicate its true character, or
(ii) which is so coloured, flavoured, coated, powered or polished as to conceal the true nature thereof, or
(iii) which is contained in any package which, or the label of which, bears any statement, design or device regarding the ingredients or the substances contained therein, which is false or misleading in any material particular, or if the package is otherwise deceptive with respect to its contents, or
(iv) which is not properly packed and labelled in accordance with the rules;
(18) “occupier” means the person who has control of the affairs of a factory, shop or godown and includes the manager or managing agent or any other person authorised to represent the occupier;
(19) “package” includes every article in which goods for carriage or for sale are cased, covered, enclosed, contained or packed;
(20) “pre-packed” means packed or made up in advance ready for retail sale in a wrapper or container;
(21) “prescribed” means prescribed by rules;
(22) “Public Analyst” means a Public Analyst appointed under section 17;
(23) “retail sale” means any sale to a person buying otherwise than for the purpose of re-sale;
(24) “rules” means rules made under this Act;
(25) “sale”, in relation to food, means a transfer of ownership either by way of barter or in exchange for a price paid or promised or part paid or part promised;
(26) “standardised milk” means milk which has been reduced to the prescribed level of milk fat by removal of fat;
(27) “toned milk” means milk which has been standardised to the prescribed level of milk fat and solids not fat by addition of reconstituted milk solids;
(28) “transit” includes all stages of transportation from the place of manufacture or other source of origin to the consumer; and
(29) “wholesale” means any sale other than retail sale.

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