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The Excise Duty on Minerals (Labour Welfare) Act, 1967

( ACT NO. VIII OF 1967 )

Power to make rules
11. (1) The Government may, by notification in the official Gazette, and subject to the condition of previous publication, make rules to carry into effect the purposes of this Act.
(2) In particular and without prejudice to the generality of the foregoing power, rules made under this section may provide for all or any of the following matters, namely:-
(i) the manner in which the duty levied under sub-section (1) of section 3 shall be collected, the agencies by whom the duty shall be collected, the persons who shall be liable to make the payments, the making of refunds, remissions and recoveries, the deduction by collecting agencies of a percentage of the realisations to cover the cost of collection, and the procedure to be followed in paying the proceeds into the 1[Bangladesh Bank] or into any Government treasury or sub-treasury;
(ii) the composition of the Housing Board, the manner in which its members shall be chosen, the term of office of its members, the allowances if any payable to them and the manner in which the Housing Board shall conduct its business, including the number of members necessary to form a quorum at a meeting thereof ;
(iii) the books of account to be maintained by the Housing Board, and the form of its financial estimates and statements of account;
(iv) the composition of the Miners Welfare Board, the manner in which its members shall be chosen, the term of office of its members, the allowances, if any, payable to them and the manner in which the Board shall conduct its business;
(v) the apportionment between the housing account and the general welfare account of the Fund of the expenditure on the administration of the Fund and on the salaries and allowances of the Commissioner, Inspectors, Welfare Officers and other staff employed for the purposes of this Act;
(vi) the standard of dispensary services to be provided by owners of mines for the purposes of sub-section (2) of section 5, and the inspection and supervision of the dispensaries and other places at which such services are provided;
(vii) the application by owners of mines for grants-in-aid, the authority to whom and the manner in which such applications shall be made and the particulars to be specified in such applications;
(viii) the manner in which dispensary services may be provided by the Government;
(ix) the conditions governing the grant of money from the general welfare account of the Fund to 2[* * *] a local authority or the owner, agent or manager of a mine;
(x) the rate of rent for housing accommodation provided out of the housing account of the Fund;
(xi) the conditions of service and the duties of Inspectors, Welfare Officers and other staff appointed to supervise or carry out measures financed from the Fund;
(xii) the duties and functions of the Commissioner;
(xiii) the furnishing by owners, agents or managers of mines of statistical or other information, and the punishment by fine not exceeding two hundred Taka on failure to comply with the requirements of any rules made under this clause;
(xiv) any other matter which under this Act is to be or may be prescribed.

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Ministry of Law, Justice and Parliamentary Affairs