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The Irrigation Act, 1876

( ACT NO. III OF 1876 )

Notification when water-supply to be applied for public purposes
6. Whenever it appears expedient to the Government that the water of any river or stream flowing in a natural channel, or of any lake or other natural collection of still water, should be applied or used by the Government for the purpose of any existing or projected canal, the Government may, by notification in the official Gazette, declare that the said water will be so applied or used after a day to be named in the said notification, not being earlier than three months from the date thereof.
Powers of canal-officer
7. At any time after the day so named, any canal-officer acting under the orders of the Government in this behalf may enter on any land and remove any obstructions, and may close any channels, and do any other thing necessary for such application or use of the said water.
Notice as to claims for compensation
8. As soon as is practicable after the issue of such notification, the Collector shall cause public notice to be given at convenient places stating that the Government intends to apply or use the said water as aforesaid, and that claims for compensation in respect of the matters mentioned in section 11 may be made before him.
A copy of sections 11, 12 and 13 shall be annexed to every such notice.
Contents of notice
9. When any claim for compensation is made before the Collector in accordance with the last preceding section, the Collector shall issue a notice requiring all persons interested in the matter in respect of which compensation is claimed to appear personally or by agent before him at a time and place therein mentioned (such time not being earlier than fifteen days after the date of publication of the notice), and to state the nature of their respective interests in the property affected, and the amount and particulars of their claims to compensation for such interests.
Notice to occupiers
The Collector shall also serve notice to the same effect on the occupier (if any) of the land entered on, and on such persons known or believed to be interested in the matter in respect of which compensation is claimed, or to be entitled to act for persons so interested, as reside within his district.
Power to require statements as to name and interests
10. The Collector may also require any person on whom a notice may be served under the last preceding section, and who makes a claim for compensation in accordance therewith, to deliver to him a statement containing, so far as may be practicable, the name of every other person possessing any interest in the property affected or any part thereof as co-proprietor, sub-proprietor, mortgagee, tenant or otherwise, and of the nature of such interests, and of the rents and profits (if any) received or receivable on account thereof for the year next preceding the date of the statement.
Penalty for failure to comply
If any person shall fail to comply within the time fixed by the notice with a requisition made under this section, the Collector may impose upon him such daily fine as he may think fit, not exceeding fifty taka and such fine shall be payable daily until the requisition is complied with, and the Collector may proceed from time to time to levy the amount which has become due in respect of any such fine, notwithstanding that an appeal against the order imposing such fine may be pending:
Provided that, whenever the amount levied under any such order shall have exceeded five hundred taka the Collector shall report the case specially to the Commissioner, and no further levy in respect of such fine shall be made otherwise than by authority of the Commissioner.
Persons required to make statements legally bound to do so
Every person required to make or deliver a statement under this section shall be deemed to be legally bound to do so within the meaning of sections 175 and 176 of the 1[Penal Code].
Damage for which compensation shall not be awarded
11. No compensation shall be awarded for any damage caused by-
(a) stoppage or diminution of percolation or floods;
(b) deterioration of climate or soil;
(c) stoppage of navigation, or of the means of rafting timber or watering cattle.
Compensation for loss of tolls lawfully levied
Notwithstanding anything contained in clause (c), compensation may be awarded in respect of the loss of any tolls which were lawfully levied on any river or channel at the time of the issue of the notification mentioned in section 6.
Matters in respect of which compensation may be awarded
But compensation may be awarded in respect of any of the following matters:-
(d) stoppage or diminution of supply of water through any natural channel to any defined artificial channel, whether above or underground, in use at the date of the issue of the notification under section 6;
(e) stoppage or diminution of supply of water to any work erected for purposes of profit on any channel, whether natural or artificial, in use at the date of the said notification;
(f) stoppage or diminution of supply of water through any natural channel which has been used for purposes of irrigation within the five years next before the date of the said notification;
(g) damage done in respect of any right to a water-course or the use of any water to which any person is entitled under the Limitation Act, 1908, Part IV;
(h) any other substantial damage, not falling under any of the above clauses (a), (b) or (c), and caused by the exercise of the powers conferred by this Act, which is capable of being ascertained and estimated at the time of awarding such compensation.
Diminution in market-value to be considered
In determining the amount of compensation under this section, regard shall be had to the diminution in the market value, at the time of awarding compensation of the property in respect of which compensation is claimed; and, where such market value is not ascertainable, the amount shall be reckoned at twelve times the amount of the diminution of the annual net profits of such property, caused by the exercise of the powers conferred by this Act.
No right to any such supply of water as is referred to in clauses (d), (e) or (f) of this section in respect of a work or channel not in use at the date of the notification shall be acquired as against the Government, except by grant or under the Limitation Act, 1908, Part IV.
Compensation for loss of drinking water
12. If any supply of drinking-water is substantially deteriorated or diminished by any works undertaken in accordance with a declaration made by the Government under section 6, the canal-officer shall be bound to provide within convenient distance an adequate supply of good drinking-water in lieu of that so deteriorated or diminished, and no person shall
be entitled to claim any further compensation in respect of the said deterioration or diminution.
Limitation of claims
13. No claim for compensation for any such stoppage, diminution or damage shall be entertained after the expiration of six months from such stoppage, diminution or damage, unless the Collector is satisfied that the claimant had sufficient cause for not making the claim within such period.
Inquiry into claim and tender of compensation
14. On the day fixed in the notice mentioned in section 9, the Collector shall proceed to enquire summarily into the claim and to determine the amount of compensation which in his opinion should be allowed therefore, and shall tender such amount to the persons interested who have attended in pursuance of the notice given under section 9.
Power to summon witnesses
For the purpose of such inquiry the Collector shall have power to summon and enforce the attendance of witnesses and to compel the production of documents by the same means and, as far as may be, in the same manner, as is provided in the case of a Civil Court under the Code of Civil Procedure, 1908.
Postponement of inquiry
15. The Collector may, if no claimant attends pursuant to the notice, or if for any other cause he thinks fit, from time to time, postpone the inquiry to a day to be fixed by him.
Award in case of compensation being agreed on
16. If the Collector and the persons interested agree as to the amount of compensation to be allowed, the Collector shall make an award under his hand for the same.
Award to be filed and to be evidence
Such award shall be filed in the Collectors office, and shall be conclusive, as between the Collector and the persons interested, of the value of the said property and the amount of compensation allowed for the same.
Collector to refer matter to Court when compensation not accepted
17. If the Collector and the persons interested do not agree as to the amount of compensation to be allowed, or if upon the said inquiry any question respecting the title to the property of which the value has been diminished, or any right thereto, or interest therein, arises between or among two or more persons making conflicting claims in respect thereof, the Collector shall refer the matter to the determination of the Court in manner hereinafter provided.
Collector to record particulars in certain cases
18. If, when the Collector proceeds to make the inquiry as mentioned in sections 14 and 15, no claimant attends, or if any person whom the Collector has reason to think interested does not attend, the Collector shall hold a proceeding and record the following particulars:-
(a) the nature and extent of the property of which the value has been diminished and in respect of which compensation is claimed, and the character an extent of the damage done;
(b) the names of the persons whom he has reason to think interested in such property;
(c) the amount fixed by him as compensation; and
(d) the grounds on which such amount was determined;
And to place amount of compensation in deposit
and shall place the amount so fixed by him in deposit, there to be held on account of the persons interested, and shall issue a notice to a persons believed to be interested, informing them that the said amount has been deposited as required by the section, and that, should no application be made to the Court (as provided in the next succeeding section) within six weeks of the issue of the notice on the last of the persons named therein, the Collector will pay the amount to any persons legally authorized to receive and to give an acquittance for the same.
Objections to amount of compensation fixed by Collector
19. Any person on whom notice may be served under the same last preceding section, and any person interested in any property in respect of which such notice has been issued, may, within six weeks of the service of such notice, apply to the Court stating his objection to the amount of compensation as fixed by the Collector under the last preceding section, and the amount which he claims as compensation.
On receipt of such application the Court shall proceed to determine the amount of compensation to be paid on account of the claim and all other matters, as if a reference had been made to it under section 17.
Procedure in making reference
20. In making reference under section 17 the Collector shall state, for the information of the Court, the particulars mentioned in section 18.
Procedure on receipt of reference under section 17
21. On receipt of a reference under section 17 the Court shall proceed, as far as may be practicable, in accordance with sections 20 to 22 and 25 to 28 of the Land Acquisition Act, 1894:
Provided that, instead of sub-section (3) of section 25 of the said Act, the following shall be read:- “The provisions of this section and of section 11 of the 2[* * *] Irrigation Act, 1876, shall be read to every assessor in a language which he understands, before he gives his opinion as to the amount of compensation to be awarded”.
Particulars of apportionment to be specified
22. Where there are several persons interested, if such persons agree in the apportionment of the compensation, the particulars of such apportionment shall be specified in the award, whether such award be made by the Collector or by the Court, and as between such persons the award shall be conclusive evidence of the correctness of the apportionment.
Disputes as to apportionment
23. When the amount of compensation has been settled under section 16, if any dispute arises as to the apportionment of the same or any part thereof, the Collector shall refer such dispute to the decision of the Court.
All costs entailed by such a reference, and the proceedings of the Court thereon, shall be paid by the parties who dispute the apportionment of the compensation, in such proportions as the Court may direct, and the Collector shall not be required to disburse any such costs, nor shall any such costs be recovered, from the Collector.
An appeal shall lie from every such decision to the [High Court Division], unless the Judge whose decision is appealed from is not the District Judge, in which case the appeal shall lie, in the first instance, to the District Judge.
Every appeal under this section shall be presented within the time and in manner provided by the Code of Civil Procedure, 1908 for regular appeals in suits.
Determination of proportion
24. When the amount compensation has been settled by the Court, and there is any dispute as to the apportionment thereof, or when a reference to the Court has been made under the last preceding section, the Judge sitting along shall decide the proportions in which the persons interested are entitled to share in such amount.
An appeal shall lie from every such decision to the 3[High Court Division], unless the Judge whose decision is appealed from is not the District Judge, in which case the appeal shall lie, in the first instance, to the District Judge.
Every appeal under this section shall be presented within the time and in manner provided by the Code of Civil Procedure, 1908 for regular appeals in suits.
Payment of compensation
25. Payment of the compensation shall be made by the Collector in accordance with the award made by him under section 16; or the proceeding held by him under section 18, if no application be made to the Courts as provided by section19; or the award made by the Court or the decision of the Judge under section 21; or, in the case of an appeal, under section 24, in accordance with the decision in appeal, as the case may be.
Government not liable to further claim
26. The amount of compensation fixed by any award, proceeding or decision, as specified in the last preceding section, shall be deemed to be the full amount payable by Government in respect of the claim dealt with therein; and Government shall not be liable for any further claim to any person whatever in respect of any matter which was the subject of such award, proceeding or decision; nor shall any such claim be made against Government in respect of the payment of any portion of such compensation in accordance with any award, proceeding or decision as aforesaid, or in accordance with any decision of the Judge, or of the District Judge, or of the 4[High Court Division] in appeal, as the case may be, under section 24; and no suit shall be brought to set aside an award or decision under this Act.
Liability of person receiving compensation not affected
27. Nothing contained in the last preceding section shall affect the liability of any person who may receive the whole or any part of any compensation awarded under this Act to pay the same to the person lawfully entitled thereto.
Abatement of rent on interruption of water- supply
28. Every tenant holding under an unexpired lease, or having a right of occupancy, who is in occupation of any land at the time when any stoppage or diminution of the supply in respect of which compensation is allowed under section 11 takes place, may claim an abatement of the rent previously payable by him for the said land, on the ground that the interruption reduces the value of the holding:
Provided that no part of the said compensation shall have been received by the said tenant in respect of such reduction in the value of his holding.
Enhancement of rent on restoration of water-supply
29. If a water-supply increasing the value of such holding is afterwards restored to the said land otherwise than at the cost of the tenant, the rent of the tenant may be enhanced, in respect of the increased value of such land due to the restored water-supply, to an amount not exceeding that at which it stood immediately before the abatement.
Such enhancement shall be on account only of the restored water-supply, and shall not effect the liability of the tenant to enhancement of rent on any other grounds.
Compensation when due Interest
30. All sums of money payable for compensation under this Part shall become due three months after the claim for such compensation is made in respect of the stoppage, diminution or damage complained of, and simple interest at the rate of six per centum per annum shall be allowed on any such sum remaining unpaid after the said three months, except where the non-payment of such sum is caused by the wilful neglect or refusal of the claimant to receive the same:
Collector may invest amount deposited or awarded in Government securities
Provided that the Collector may at any time invest the whole or any portion of the amount payable as compensation under this Act in any Government securities, and such securities shall be held by the Collector for the benefit of the persons interested, and the persons interested shall be bound to receive such securities with any interest which may have accrued upon them as full payment of the sum which the Collector paid for such securities, and of any sum which he may have paid as expenses incurred in purchasing the same, and of any interest which might otherwise have accrued on such sums.
No compensation in respect of prior works
31. No compensation shall be claimable under this Act in respect of any works executed before it came into force, or of any damage, injury or loss caused by such works.
Service of notice
32. Service of any notice under this Part shall be made by delivering or tendering a copy thereof signed by the officer therein mentioned.
Whenever it may be practicable, the service of the notice shall be made on the person therein named.
When such person cannot be found, the service may be made on any adult male member of his family residing with him; and, if no such adult male member can be found, the notice may be served by fixing the copy on the outer door of the house in which the person therein named ordinarily dwells or carries on business; and, if such person has no ordinary place of residence within the district, service of any notice may be made by sending copy of such notice by post in a registered cover addressed to such person at his usual place of residence.

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