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The Irrigation Act, 1876

( ACT NO. III OF 1876 )

Matters in respect of which compensation may be awarded
But compensation may be awarded in respect of any of the following matters:-
(d) stoppage or diminution of supply of water through any natural channel to any defined artificial channel, whether above or underground, in use at the date of the issue of the notification under section 6;
(e) stoppage or diminution of supply of water to any work erected for purposes of profit on any channel, whether natural or artificial, in use at the date of the said notification;
(f) stoppage or diminution of supply of water through any natural channel which has been used for purposes of irrigation within the five years next before the date of the said notification;
(g) damage done in respect of any right to a water-course or the use of any water to which any person is entitled under the Limitation Act, 1908, Part IV;
(h) any other substantial damage, not falling under any of the above clauses (a), (b) or (c), and caused by the exercise of the powers conferred by this Act, which is capable of being ascertained and estimated at the time of awarding such compensation.

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