197. Customs control over conveyances and goods
197A. Customs Control and Risk Management
197B. Non intrusive inspection
197C. Specialized functional unit
197D. Establishment of Bangladesh Single Window
198. Power to open packages and examine, weight or measure goods
199. Power to take samples of goods
200. Owner to make all arrangements and bear all expenses
201. Procedure for sale of goods and application of sale proceeds
202A. Power to write-off sums due to Government
202. Recovery of Government dues
204. Issue of certificate and duplicates of customs’ document
204A. Supply of information pertaining to customs law, etc.
204B. Confidentiality and arrangement for exchange of information facilitating trade
206. Correction of clerical errors, etc.
207. Custom-house agents to be licensed
208. Agent to produce authority if required
209. Liability of principal and agent
210. Liability of agent appointment by the person-in-charge of a conveyance
211. Keeping of business record
212. Regulation of business in gold, etc.
213. Recovery of money upon certain documents
214. Remission of duty and payment of compensation to the owner in certain cases
215. Service of order, decision, etc.
215A. Supply of information and copy of decisions
215B. Enquiries and Enquiry Points
216. No compensation for loss or injury exception proof of neglect or wilful act
216A. Bar to filing of cases in civil Courts
217. Protection of action taken under the Act
217A. Reward for detection etc. of evasion of duties or violation of laws
217B. Award of financial incentives to Customs Officers and employees
219B.Power to issue Orders, Notices, Explanations or Circulars