Chapter not to apply to baggage or postal articles
120. The provisions of this Chapter shall not apply to-
(a) baggage, and
(b) goods imported by post.
Transhipment of goods without payment of duty
121. Subject to the provisions of section 15 and the rules, the appropriate officer may, on application by the owner of any goods imported at any customs-station and specially and distinctly manifested at the time of importation as for transhipment to some other customs-station or foreign destination, grant leave to tranship the same without payment of duty, if any, chargeable on such goods at the customs-station of transhipment and, in case of goods to be transhipped to some other customs-station, with or without any security or bond for the due arrival and entry of the goods thereat.
Superintendence of transhipment
122. An officer of Customs shall, in every case, be deputed free of charge to superintend the removal of transhipped goods from one conveyance to another.
Entry, etc., of transhipped goods
123. All goods transhipped under section 121 to any customs station shall, on their arrival at such customs-station, be entered in the same manner as goods on their first importation and shall be dealt with like-wise.
Transhipment of provisions and stores from one conveyance to another of the same owner without payment of duty
124. Any provisions and stores in use or being carried for use on board a conveyance may, at the discretion of the appropriate officer be transhipped to another conveyance belonging wholly or partly to the same owner and present simultaneously at the same customs-station, without payment of duty.
Levy of transhipment fees
125. Subject to the rules, a transhipment fee on any goods or class of goods transhipped under this Act may be levied at such rates, according to weight, measurement, quantity, number, bale, package or container, as the Board may, by notification in the official Gazette, prescribe for any customs-station or class of customs-stations.