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The Customs Act, 1969

( ACT NO. IV OF 1969 )

Chapter IX


Power to land small parcels and hold unclaimed parcels
77. (1) At any time after the arrival of any vessel, the appropriate officer may, with the consent of the master of such vessel, cause any small package or parcel of goods to be carried to the custom-house there to remain for entry in charge of the officers of customs, during the remainder of the working days allowed under this Act for the landing of such package or parcel.
(2) In any package or parcel so carried to the custom-house remains unclaimed on the expiration of the number of working days so allowed for its unloading, or at the time of the clearance outwards of the vessel from which it was unloaded, the master of such vessel may give such notice as is provided in section 76, and the officer-in-charge of the custom-house shall thereupon hold such package or parcel as provided in that section.

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