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The Customs Act, 1969

( ACT NO. IV OF 1969 )

Chapter XI


Responsibility of warehouse-keeper
116. The warehouse-keeper in respect of goods lodged in a public warehouse, and the licensee in respect of goods lodged in a private warehouse, shall be responsible for their due receipt therein and delivery therefrom, and their safe custody while deposited therein, according to the quantity, weight or gauge reported by the officer of Customs who has assessed such goods, allowance being made, if necessary, for deficiency in quantity on account of natural loss as provided in section 110:
Provided that no owner of goods shall be entitled to claim from the appropriate officer or from any keeper of a public warehouse, compensation for any loss or damage occurring to such goods while they are being passed into or out of such warehouse, or while they remain therein, unless it be proved that such loss or damage was occasioned by the wilful act or neglect of the warehouse-keeper or of an officer of Customs.

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