Chapter IA
Control over prospectus and other documents .
[2B. (1) Every prospectus or other document offering for subscription or publicly offering for sale any securities shall, before its issuance, be submitted to the commission for its examination, in such form and manner and containing such information as may be prescribed , and such prospectus or other document shall be issued only after the commission permits its issuance on being satisfied that it has complied with all the requirements of this Ordinance or the rules and of any other law relating thereto:
Provided that the consent of the commission to the issue or offer of the securities shall not absolve the responsibility of the issuer for the merit and accuracy of the offering.
(2) No person shall issue in Bangladesh any prospectus or other document offering for subscription or publicly offering for sale any securities which does not include a statement that -
(a) Its issuance has beer permitted by the commission ;and
(b) the consent of the commission has been obtained to the issue or offer of the securities.]
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Ministry of Law, Justice and Parliamentary Affairs