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The Securities and Exchange Ordinance, 1969

( Ordinance NO. XVII OF 1969 )

Chapter II


Eligibility for registration
4. (1) Any Stock Exchange which fulfils such conditions or complies with such requirements as may be prescribed to ensure fair dealings and to protect investors shall be eligible for registration under this Ordinance.
(2) The conditions or requirements which may be prescribed for the purposes of sub-section (1) may, among other matters, relate to-
(a) qualifications for membership and admission, exclusion, suspension, expulsion and re-admission of members thereinto or therefrom;
(b) constitution and powers of the governing body and the powers and duties of the office bearers;
(c) representation of the Commission on the governing body of a Stock Exchange or any of its Committees;
(d) the manner in which business should be transacted including restrictions on the business of the members;
(e) Memorandum and Articles of Association, rules, regulations and bye-laws of a Stock Exchange; and
(f) the maintenance of accounts, including those of members, and their audit.

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