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The Securities and Exchange Ordinance, 1969

( Ordinance NO. XVII OF 1969 )

Chapter V


Civil liabilities
23. (1) Every contract made in contravention of any provision of this Ordinance or any rule made thereunder shall be voidable as regards the rights of any party to the contract contravening such provision or any person not being a party to the contract who acquires any right under the contract with actual knowledge of the facts by reason of which its making or performance was in such contravention and any person affected by such contract not being himself a party to the contravention may sue to rescind any such contract to the extent it has been consummated, or for damages when rescission is not possible.
(2) Any person who makes or causes to be made, in any application, report, or document filed with the Commission or a Stock Exchange pursuant to this Ordinance or any rule made thereunder, any statement which was false or misleading with respect to any material fact, at the time and in the light of the circumstances under which it was made, shall be liable to any person who has purchased or sold a security in reliance on such statement for damages caused by such reliance, without regard to the presence or absence of any contractual relationship between the two, unless the person who made or caused to be made the application, report or document proves that he acted in good faith and had no knowledge or reasonable ground to believe that the statement was false or misleading.
(3) Any person who participates in any act or transaction in contravention of section 17 shall be liable to any person who has purchased or sold a security in reliance on such act or transaction for damages caused by such reliance, without regard to the presence or absence of any contractual relationship between the two, unless the person so contravening proves that he acted in good faith and had no knowledge or reasonable ground to believe that there was any fraud, untruth or omission.
(4) Every person who directly or indirectly exercises control over the affairs of any person liable under this section shall also be liable to the same extent as the person whose affairs are so controlled, unless he proves that he acted in good faith and did not directly or indirectly induce the act or acts giving rise to the cause of action.
(5) Liability under this section shall be joint and several, and every person who becomes liable may recover contribution as in cases of contract from any person who, if joined in the original suit, would have been liable to make the same payment, unless the plaintiff was, and the defendant was not, guilty of fraudulent misrepresentation.
(6) No suit for the enforcement of any right or remedy provided for in this section shall lie after the expiry of three years from the date of the accrual of the cause of action.
(7) The rights and remedies provided by this Ordinance shall be in addition to any other rights and remedies available under any other law for the time being in force.

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