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The Monopolies and Restrictive Trade Practices (Control and Prevention) Ordinance, 1970

( Ordinance NO. V OF 1970 )

Chapter VI


Appeal to the 1[High Court Division]
20. Any person aggrieved by an order of the Authority under section 11 or section 19 may, within sixty days of the receipt of such order, appeal against it to the 2[High Court Division] on any of the following grounds, namely:-
(a) that the order is contrary to law or to some usage having the force of law;
(b) that the order has failed to determine some material issue of law or usage having the force of law;
(c) that there has been a substantial error or defect in following the procedure provided in this Ordinance which may possibly have produced error or defect in the order upon the merits.

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Ministry of Law, Justice and Parliamentary Affairs