6. No person shall bring or take by sea or by land into or out of Bangladesh any arms, ammunition or military stores except under a license and in the manner and to the extent permitted by such license.
Importation and exportation of arms and ammunition for private use
Nothing in the first clause of this section extends to arms (other than cannon) or ammunition imported or exported in reasonable quantities for his own private use by any person lawfully entitled to possess such arms or ammunition; but the Collector of Customs or any other officer empowered by the Government in this behalf by name or in virtue of his office may at any time detain such arms or ammunition until he receives the orders of the Government thereon.
Explanation - Arms, ammunition and military stores taken from one part of Bangladesh to another by sea or across intervening territory not being part of Bangladesh are taken out of and brought into Bangladesh within the meaning of this section.
Sanction of Government required to warehousing of arms, etc.
7. Notwithstanding anything contained in the 1[Customs Act, 1969], no arms, ammunition or military stores shall be deposited in any warehouse licensed under section16 of that Act without the sanction of the Government.
8. [Repealed by the Amending Act, 1891 (Act No. XII of 1891).]
9. [Repealed by the Amending Act, 1891 (Act No. XII of 1891).]
Power to prohibit transport
10. The Government may, from time to time, by notification in the official Gazette,-
(a) regulate or prohibit the transport of any description of arms, ammunition or military stores over the whole of Bangladesh or any part thereof, either altogether or except under a license and to the extent in the manner permitted by such license, and
(b) cancel any such notification.
Transshipment of arms
Explanation – Arms, ammunition or military stores transhipped at a port in Bangladesh are transported within the meaning of this section.
Power to establish searching stations
11. The Government may, at any places along the boundary-line between Bangladesh and foreign territory, and at such distance within such line as it deems expedient, establish, searching-posts at which all vessels, carts and baggage-animals, and all boxes, bales and packages in transit, may be stopped and searched for arms, ammunition and military stores by any officer empowered by the Government in this behalf by name or in virtue of his office.
Arrest of persons conveying arms, etc., under suspicious circumstances
12. When any person is found carrying or conveying any arms, ammunition or military stores, whether covered by a license or not, in such manner or under such circumstances as to afford just grounds of suspicion that the same are being carried by him with intent to use them, or that the same may be used, for any unlawful purpose, any person may without warrant apprehend him and take such arms, ammunition or military stores from him.
Procedure where arrest made by person not Magistrate or Police-officer
Any person so apprehended, and any arms, ammunition or military stores so taken by a person not being a Magistrate or Police-officer, shall be delivered over as soon as possible to a Police-officer.
All persons apprehended by, or delivered to, a Police-officer, and all arms and ammunition seized by or delivered to any such officer under this section, shall be taken without unnecessary delay before a Magistrate.