Power to make rules as to licenses
17. The Government may from time to time, by notification in the official Gazette, make rules to determine the officers by whom the form in which, and the terms and conditions on and subject to which, any license shall be granted; and may by such rules among other matters-(a) fix the period for which such license shall continue in force;
(b) fix a fee payable by stamp or otherwise [* * *] in respect of any such license other than a license for possession granted in any other place;
(c) direct that the holder of any such license other than a license for possession shall keep a record or account, in such form as the Government may prescribe, of anything done under such license, and exhibit such record or account when called upon by an officer of Government to do so;
(d) empower any officer of Government to enter and inspect any premises in which arms, ammunition or military stores are manufactured or kept by any person holding a license of the description referred to in section 5 or section 6;
(e) direct that any such person shall exhibit the entire stock of arms, ammunition and military stores in his possession or under his control to any officer of Government so empowered; and
(f) require the person holding any license or acting under any license to produce the same, and to produce or account for the arms, ammunition or military stores covered by the same when called upon by an officer of Government so to do.