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The Bangladesh Power Development Boards Order, 1972 (President's Order)


15. Subject to the provisions of any other law for the time being in force, the Power Board-
(a) shall have control over the operation of all power houses and grids as may be considered necessary for their operation;
(b) may, with the approval of the Government, prescribe standards for the maintenance of power houses and grids;
(c) may, with the approval of the Government, prescribe simplification of methods of charges for the supply of electricity and for standardisation of the system of supply;
(d) may, with the approval of the Government and on payment of reasonable compensation, declare any power generating station belonging to a licensee to be a controlled station and thereupon the power to regulate production from such station shall vest in the Board;
(e) may require the owner of any controlled station in a grid area-
(i) to supply to the grid all or part of the power generated at the station at such rates as may be determined by the Government by general or special order;
(ii) to take from the grid all or part of the power required for distribution to consumers; or
(iii) to close down the station on payment of reasonable compensation.

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Ministry of Law, Justice and Parliamentary Affairs