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The Public Servants (Inquiries) Act, 1850

( ACT NO. XXXVII OF 1850 )

Power to require amendment of charge and to adjourn Reasons for refusing adjournment to be recorded
20. When the commissioners shall be of opinion that the articles of charge or any of them, are not drawn with sufficient clearness and precision, the commissioners may, in their discretion, require the same to be amended, and may thereupon, on the application of the person accused, adjourn the inquiry for a reasonable time. The commissioners may also, if they think fit, adjourn the inquiry from time to time, on the application of either the prosecutor or the person accused on the ground of sickness or unavoidable absence of any witness or other reasonable cause. When such application is made and refused, the commissioners shall record the application, and their reasons for refusing to comply with it.

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Ministry of Law, Justice and Parliamentary Affairs