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The Bangladesh Shilpa Rin Sangstha Order, 1972 (President's Order)


35. (1) Without prejudice to the provisions of Articles 33 and 34, all sums due to the Sangstha shall be recoverable as arrears of land revenue:
Provided that no sum shall be so recovered unless fifteen days' notice has first, been given by the Sangstha to the debtor or any other person liable to pay the sum that the sum will be so recovered:
Provided further that in so giving notice, the Sangstha shall inform the debtor or any other person liable to pay the sum that he may pay by such instalments as may be fixed in the notice and that upon his so paying every instalment on or before the due date the recovery will be suspended but that it will otherwise proceed as to the entire sum outstanding in case of any default in any instalment including the first.
(2) In the application of the Public Demands Recovery Act, 1913 (Ben. Act III of 1913), for the purpose of recovery of the dues of the Sangstha, the provision of section 10A of the said Act shall apply, but the provisions of sections 7, 9, 10 and 13 thereof shall not apply, and the certificate issued under section 6 of the said Act shall be conclusive proof that the amount specified therein is due to the Sangstha.

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