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The Representation of the People Order, 1972 (President's Order)


Chapter V


61. (1) Where in an election petition a declaration is claimed that a candidate other than the returned candidate has been duly elected, the returned candidate or any other party may produce evidence to prove that the election of such other candidate would have been declared void had he been the returned candidate and had a petition been presented calling his election in question:
Provided that the returned candidate or such other party as aforesaid shall not be entitled to give such evidence unless he has, within the fourteen days next following the commencement of the trial, given notice to the High Court Division of his intention so to do and has also deposited the security referred to in Article 49.
(2) Every notice referred to in clause (1) shall be accompanied by a statement of the case, and all the provisions relating to the contents, verification, trial and procedure of an election petition, or to the security deposit in respect of an election petition shall apply to such a statement as if it were an election petition.

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Ministry of Law, Justice and Parliamentary Affairs