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The Representation of the People Order, 1972 (President's Order)


Chapter VI


80. A person is guilty of an offence punishable with imprisonment for a term which may extend to 1[three years and shall not be less than six months, and also with fine ], if he, on the polling day,-


(1) uses, in such manner as to be audible within the polling station, any gramophone, megaphone, loudspeaker or other apparatus for reproducing or amplifying sounds;


(2) persistently shouts in such manner as to be audible within the polling station;


(3) does any act which-


(a) disturbs or causes annoyance to any elector visiting a polling station for the purpose of voting; or


(b) interferes with the performance of the duty of a Presiding Officer, Assistant Presiding Officer, Polling any duty at a polling station; or


(4) abets the doing of any of the aforesaid acts.


  • 1
    The words and comma “three years and shall not be less than six months, and also with fine” were substituted for the words and commas “three months, or with fine which may extend to Taka two hundred and fifty, or with both” by section 11 of the Representation of the People (Amendment) Act, 1991 (Act No. X of 1991)
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Ministry of Law, Justice and Parliamentary Affairs