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[Section Index]

The Representation of the People Order, 1972 (President's Order)


Chapter VII


91D. (1) The Commission, while making an enquiry under any provision of this Order, shall have, for the purposes of such enquiry, all the powers of a civil Court trying a suit under the Code of Civil Procedure, 1908 (Act V of 1908), in respect of the following matters, namely:-
(a) summoning and enforcing the attendance of any person and examining him on oath;
(b) requiring the discovery and production of any document or other material object producible as evidence;
(c) receiving evidence on affidavit;
(d) requisitioning any public record or any copy thereof from any Court or office;
(e) issuing commission for examination of witnesses or documents.
(2) Any proceeding before the Commission shall be deemed to be a judicial proceeding within the meaning of sections 193 and 228 of the Penal Code (XLV of 1860).
(3) The Commission shall be deemed to be a civil Court within the meaning of sections 476, 480 and 482 of the Code of Criminal Procedure, 1898 (V of 1898).
(4) The Commission shall have the power to regulate its own procedure.
(5) Any person holding an enquiry under any provision of this Order, under the authority or direction of the Commission shall have the same powers as are vested in the Commission under this Article.]

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