The Printing Presses and Publications (Declaration and Registration) Act, 1973

( ACT NO. XXIII OF 1973 )

An Act to provide for declaration for the keeping of printing presses and the printing and publication of newspapers and for registration of books.

WHEREAS it is expedient to provide for declaration for the keeping of printing presses and the printing and publication of newspapers and for registration of books, and for matters connected therewith;
It is hereby enacted as follows:-



1. Short title and commencement

2. Definitions

2A. Press Appellate Board

3. Particulars to be printed on books and papers

4. Keeper of printing press to make declaration

5. Publication of newspapers

6. Name of the editor to be printed on the newspaper

7. Declaration of the printer and publisher

8. No minor to be printer, publisher or editor

9. Effect of non-publication of newspaper

10. Effect of change of language, periodicity or place of publication

11. Effect, if printer or publisher leaves Bangladesh

12. Authentication of the declaration

13. Deposit of authenticated declaration

14. Inspection and supply of copies of the declaration

15. Copy of declaration or newspaper to be prima facie evidence

16. New declaration by person who have signed declaration and subsequently ceased to be printers or publishers

17. Authentication and filing of declaration under section 16

18. Inspection and supply of copies of declaration under section 16

19. Putting copy of declaration under section 16 in evidence

20A. Power to declare certain publications forfeited and to issue search warrants for the same

20. Cancellation of authentication

21. Authorisation of persons to publish news-sheets

22. Power to seize and destroy unauthorised news-sheets and newspapers

23. Power to seize and forfeit presses producing unauthorised news-sheets and newspapers

24. Copies of books printed to be delivered gratis to Government

25. Receipt of copies delivered under section 24

26. Copies of newspapers to be delivered gratis to Government

27. Registration of memoranda of books

28. Publication of the memoranda of books

29. Penalty for contravention of section 3

30. Penalty for keeping press without making declaration

31. Punishment for making false statement

32. Penalty for printing or publishing in contravention of the provisions of this Act

33. Penalty for disseminating unauthorised news-sheets and newspaper

34. Penalty for not delivering books

35. Penalty for failure to supply copies of newspapers gratis to Government

36. Recovery of forfeitures and disposal thereof and of fines

37. Appointment of officers

38. Conduct of searches

39. Offences by companies

40. Power to make rules

41. Repeals and savings
