35. (1) A college seeking affiliation to the University shall make a written application to the Inspector of Colleges so as to reach him not later than the 15th October preceding the academic year from which the affiliation sought is to take effect:
Provided that the Vice-Chancellor may, in special circumstances, direct that an application seeking such affiliation received after the aforesaid date be entertained.
(2) A college applying for affiliation shall satisfy the University to the effect that-
(a) it guarantees a satisfactory standard of educational efficiency for the purpose for which affiliation is sought;
(b) its financial resources are such as to make the provision for its continued maintenance;
(c) it is under proper management and is suitably organized;
(d) its buildings are suitable and sufficient;
(e) the furniture, library and laboratory equipment are adequate;
(f) the provision for the residence, discipline and supervision of students is satisfactory;
(g) it has framed such conduct and discipline rules for its students as may be approved by the University;
(h) due provision has been made for the health and recreation of students;
(i) the number of its teaching staff with requisite qualifications are adequate, and the conditions of their service are such as may be approved by the University;
(j) it has framed such efficiency and discipline rules for its teachers and employees as may be approved by the University; and
(k) it has made provision for such other matters as are necessary for the maintenance of the standards of the University education.
(3) A college applying for recognition in respect of any course of study shall give information on the following matters, namely:-
(a) standards and subjects in respect of which recognition is sought;
(b) accommodation, library and laboratory equipment;
(c) number, qualifications, work, emoluments and conditions of service of teachers;
(d) provision for hostels, playgrounds and the residence of the Principal and other members of the staff;
(e) fees proposed to be levied;
(f) the financial provision made for the continued maintenance of the college; and
(g) such other matters as may be prescribed by the University Ordinances.
(4) The Syndicate, if satisfied with respect to the matters mentioned in clause (2), shall so affiliate the college:
Provided that affiliation shall in no case be granted with retrospective effect beyond the date on which the application was made:
Provided further that the Syndicate may refuse to affiliate a college if it is satisfied that it is not desirable to grant affiliation to it.
(5) The Syndicate may, after due enquiry and after consultation with the Academic Council, withdraw the affiliation granted to a college, and, after consultation with Faculty concerned, withdraw the recognition granted to a course of studies in a college which has failed to comply with the conditions prescribed by the Statutes and the University Ordinances or imposed by the Syndicate at the date of such affiliation or recognition, as the case may be, or at any later date.
(6) The Syndicate shall give the college an opportunity of appearing at any such enquiry and of making representations on its own behalf and shall communicate its decision to the college which shall be entitled to appeal to the Chancellor within thirty days of the receipt of a decision to withdraw such affiliation or recognition and the decision of the Chancellor on the appeal shall be final.