20. Notwithstanding any agreement to the contrary, the Bank may, by notice, require any borrower forthwith to pay his debt to the Bank in full, if –
(a) he has failed to comply with any terms of the agreement under which the relevant loan, advance or credit has been granted;
(b) the Bank reasonably apprehend that he is unable to pay his debt;
(c) in the opinion of the Bank false or misleading information on any material particular has been given in the application for the relevant loan, advance or credit or in any other statement or communication made in connection with any loan, advance or credit granted to him;
(d) the property mortgaged, hypothecated or assigned to the Bank as security for the advance, loan or credit is not kept in proper conditions to the satisfactions of the Bank, or the value as estimated by the Bank has depreciated by more than 20 per cent. and further security to the satisfaction of the Bank is not given within the time specified by the Bank;
(e) without the permission of the Bank, any property pledged, mortgaged, hypothecated or assigned to the Bank, is leased or rented to third parties or is in any way charged, disposed of or removed from the place where it was at the time the loan, advance or credit was granted;
(f) for any other reason it is necessary in the opinion of the Bank to protect its interest.