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1[3. (1) The Territorial Sea comprises areas of the sea covering the water column, seabed, subsoil and the airspace over the Territorial Sea, not exceeding 12 NM from the nearest base points of the Territorial Sea Baseline (TSB) and measured seaward from the TSB.
Explanation.- For the purpose of delimiting the Territorial Sea, the outermost permanent harbour works which form an integral part of the existing harbour system of Bangladesh, like- Chattogram and Mongla Port, Matarbari Port, Payra Port and such other ports as may, from time to time, established and their assigned outer anchorages and Saint Martin’s anchorage etc. all be treated as forming part of the coast.
(2) The sovereignty of Bangladesh extends beyond its land territory to the water column, the seabed and its subsoil, and the air space over the Territorial Sea.
(3) The Government may make rules with regard to entry of foreign vessels into the Internal Waters and Territorial Sea and to designate the sea lanes and prescribe traffic separation schemes and laying of submarine cables and pipelines.]