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The Children Act, 1974

( ACT NO. XXXIX OF 1974 )

এই আইনটি শিশু আইন, ২০১৩ (২০১৩ সনের ২৪ নং আইন) দ্বারা রহিত করা হইয়াছে ।

Establishment and certification of Institutes
19. (1) The Government may establish and maintain training institute for the reception of children and youthful offenders.
(2) The Government may certify that any training institute not established under sub-section (1) or any industrial school or other educational institution is fit for the reception of children or youthful offenders.
Remand Homes
20. The Government may establish and maintain remand homes for the purposes of detention, diagnosis and classification of children committed to custody by any Court or Police.
Conditions for certification or recognition of institutes, etc.
21. The Government may prescribe conditions subject to which any training institute, industrial school, educational institution or approved home shall be certified or recognised, as the case may be, for the purposes of this Act.
Management of certified institutes
22. (1) For the control and management of every training institute established under section 19 (1), a superintendent and a committee of visitors shall be appointed by the Government, and such superintendent and committee shall be deemed to be managers of the institute for the purposes of this Act.
(2) Every institute, school or institution certified under section 19 (2) shall be under the management of its governing body, the members of which shall be deemed to be the managers of the institute, school or institution for the purposes of this Act.
Consultation with managers
23. The managers of a certified institute shall be consulted by the Court before any child is committed to it.
Medical inspection of certified institutes and approved homes
24. Any registered medical practitioner empowered in this behalf by the Government may visit any certified institute or approved home at any time with or without notice to its managers or other persons in charge thereof in order to report to the Chief Inspector on the health of the inmates and the sanitary condition of the certified institute or approved home.
Power of the Government to withdraw certificate
25. The Government, if dissatisfied with the management of a certified institute, may at any time by notice served on the managers of the institute declare that the certificate of the institute is withdrawn as from a date specified in the notice and on such date the withdrawal of the certificate shall take effect and the institute shall cease to be certified institute:
Provided that before the issue of such notice a reasonable opportunity shall be given to the managers of the certified institute to show cause why the certificate shall not be withdrawn.
Resignation of certificate by managers
26. The managers of a certified institute may, on giving six months' notice in writing to the Government through the Chief Inspector of their intention so to do, resign the certificate of the institute and accordingly at the expiration of six months from the date of notice, unless before that time the notice is withdrawn, the resignation of the certificate shall take effect and the institute shall cease to be a certified institute.
Effect of withdrawal or resignation of certificate
27. A child or youthful offender shall not be received into a certified institute under this Act after the date of receipt by the managers of the institute of a notice of withdrawal of the certificate or after the date of a notice of resignation of the certificate:
Provided that the obligation of the managers to teach, train, lodge, cloth and feed any child or youthful offender detained in the institute at the respective dates aforesaid shall, except so far as the Government otherwise directs, continue until the withdrawal or resignation of the certificate takes effect.
Disposal of inmates on withdrawal or resignation of certificate
28. When an institute ceases to be a certified institute, the children or youthful offenders detained therein shall be either discharged absolutely or on such conditions as the Government may impose or may be transferred by order of the Chief Inspector to some other certified institute in accordance with the provisions of this Act relating to discharge and transfer.
Inspection of certified institutes and approved homes
29. Every certified institute and approved home shall be liable to inspection at all times and in all its departments by the Chief Inspector, Inspector or Assistant Inspector of certified institutes and shall be so inspected at least once in every six months:
Provided that where any such certified institute is for the reception of girls only and such inspection is not made by the Chief Inspector, the inspection shall, wherever practicable, be made by a woman authorised by the Chief Inspector in that behalf.

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