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The Children Act, 1974

( ACT NO. XXXIX OF 1974 )

এই আইনটি শিশু আইন, ২০১৩ (২০১৩ সনের ২৪ নং আইন) দ্বারা রহিত করা হইয়াছে ।

Contribution of parent
62. (1) The Court which makes an order for the detention of a child or youthful offender in a certified institute or approved home or for the committal of a child or youthful offender to the care of a relative or fit person may make an order on the parent or other person liable to maintain the child or youthful offender, to contribute to his maintenance, if able to do so, in the prescribed manner.
(2) The Court before making any order under sub-section (1) shall enquire into the circumstances of the parent or other person liable to maintain the child or youthful offender and shall record evidence, if any, in the presence of the parent or such other person, as the case may be.
(3) Any order made under this section may be varied by the Court on an application made to it by the party liable or otherwise.
(4) The person liable to maintain a child or youthful offender shall, for the purposed of sub-section (1), include in the case of illegitimacy his putative father:
Provided that, where the child or youthful offender is illegitimate and an order for his maintenance has been made under section 488 of the Code, the Court shall not ordinarily make an order for contribution against the putative father but may order the whole or any part of the sums accruing due under the said order for maintenance to be paid to such person as may be named by the Court and such sums shall be applied by him towards the maintenance of the child or youthful offender.
(5) Any order under this section may be enforced in the same manner as an order under section 488 of the Code.
Provision as to religion
63. (1) In determining the certified institute, approved home or fit person or other person to whose custody a child is to be committed under this Act, the Court shall ascertain the religious denomination of the child and shall, if possible, in selecting such certified institute, approved home or fit person have regard to the facilities which are afforded for instruction in his religion.
(2) When a child is committed to the care of a certified institute or approved home in which facilities for instruction in his religion are not afforded, or is entrusted to the care of a fit person who has no special facilities for the bringing up of the child in his religion, the authorities of such certified institute or approved home, or such fit person shall not bring the child up in any religion other than his own.
(3) Where it is brought to the notice of the Chief Inspector that a breach of sub-section (2) has been committed, the Chief Inspector may transfer the child from the custody of such certified institute, approved home or fit person to any other certified institute or approved home as he may deem proper.
Placing out on licence
64. (1) When a youthful offender or child is detained in a certified institute or approved home, the managers of the institute or home may, at any time, with the consent in writing of the Chief Inspector, by licence, permit the youthful offender or child, on such conditions as may be prescribed, to live with any trustworthy and respectable person named in the licence willing to receive and take charge of him with a view to train him for some useful trade or calling.
(2) Any licence so granted shall be in force until revoked or forfeited for the breach of any of the conditions on which it was granted.
(3) The managers of the certified institute or approved home may, at any time by order in writing, revoke any such licence and order the youthful offender or child to return to the institute or home, as the case may be, and shall do so at the desire of the person to whom the youthful offender or child is licensed.
(4) If the youthful offender or child refuses or fails to return to the certified institute or approved home, the managers of the institute, or home, as the case may be, may, if necessary, arrest him, or cause him to be arrested, and may take him, or cause him to be taken, back to the institute or home, as the case may be.
(5) The time during which a youthful offender or child is absent from a certified institute or approved home in pursuance of a licence under this section shall be deemed to be part of the time of his detention in the institute or home, as the case may be:
Provided that, when a youthful offender or child has failed to return to the institute or home, as the case may be, on the licence being revoked or forfeited, the time which elapses after his failure so to return shall be excluded in computing the time during which he is to be detained in the institute or home, as the case may be.
Action by police with escaped children
65. (1) Notwithstanding anything to the contrary contained in any law for the time being in force, any police officer may arrest without a warrant a child or youthful offender who has escaped from a certified institute or approved home or from the supervision of a person under whose supervision he was directed to remain, and shall send the child or youthful offender back to the certified institute or approved home or the person, as the case may be, without registering any offence or prosecuting the child or youthful offender and the said child or youthful offender shall not be deemed to have committed any offence by reason of such escape.
(2) When a child absconding from a certified institute or approved home has been arrested, he shall be detained in a place of safety pending his removal to the certified institute or approved home, as the case may be.

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