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The Blind Relief (Donation of Eye) Act, 1975

( ACT NO. XXV OF 1975 )

Donation of eyes
3. (1) It shall be lawful for any person who is competent to contract to donate one or both of his eyes by gift or by will for therapeutic use during his lifetime or after his death:
Provided that in the case of donation by gift for use during the life-time of the donor only one eye shall be deemed to have been donated.
(2) A donation shall not be valid unless it is made by a registered instrument which is-
(a) executed by or on behalf of the donor and attested by at least two witnesses competent to attest an instrument of transfer of property; and
(b) delivered to, and accepted by, the donee:
Provided that a donation by word of mouth in the presence of two such witnesses shall be valid if it is made by the donor during his illness which induces an apprehension of death in him and actually results in his death.
(3) Unless it specifies any person for whose use and benefit the eyes have been donated, the donation shall be deemed to have been made generally for the relief of the blind.
(4) A donation may be revoked by the donor at any time during his lifetime in the same manner in which it was made.

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