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The Land Improvement Loans Act, 1883

( ACT NO. XIX OF 1883 )

Mode of dealing with applications for loans
5. (1) When an application for a loan is made under this Act, the officer to whom the application is made may, if it is, in his opinion, expedient that public notice be given of the application, publish a notice, in such manner as the Government may, from time to time, direct, calling upon all persons objecting to the loan to appear before him at a time and place fixed therein and submit their objections.
(2) The officer shall consider every objection submitted under sub-section (1), and make an order in writing either admitting or overruling it:
Provided that, when the question raised by an objection is, in the opinion of the officer, one of such a nature that it cannot be satisfactorily decided except by a Civil Court, he shall post-pone his proceedings on the application until the question has been so decided.

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