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The Chittagong Port Authority Ordinance, 1976

( Ordinance NO. LII OF 1976 )

Chapter VI


Compensation for damage to property
42. (1) In case any damage or mischief is done to any dock, pier or work of the Authority by any vessel, through the negligence of the master thereof or of any of the mariners or persons employed therein, not being in the service of the Authority, any Magistrate of the first class having jurisdiction in the Port area may, on the application of the Authority and on declaration by it that payment for such damage or mischief has been refused or has not been made on demand, issue a summons to the master or owner of such vessel, requiring him to attend on a day and at an hour named in the summons to answer touching such damage or mischief.
(2) If, at the time appointed in the summons, and whether the person summoned appears or not, it is proved that the alleged damage was done through such negligence as aforesaid, and that the pecuniary amount of the same does not exceed five thousand Taka, the Magistrate may issue his warrant of distress, under which a sufficient portion of the boats, masts, spares, ropes, cables, anchors or stores of the vessel may be seized and sold to cover the expenses of and attending the execution of the distress, and the pecuniary amount of damage as aforesaid, and such amount shall be paid to the Authority out of the proceeds of the distress:
Provided that if, at the time of the damage or mischief, the vessel was under the orders of a duly authorised officer belonging to the pilot service of the Authority and if such damage or mischief is in any way attributable to the order, act or improper omission of such officer, the case shall not be cognizable by the Magistrate under this section.

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Ministry of Law, Justice and Parliamentary Affairs