Scales of tolls, etc.
19. (1) The Authority shall frame-
(a) a scale of tolls, dues, rates and charges, annual or other, to be paid by the owners of vessels plying , whether for hire or not and whether regularly or occasionally, within or partly within and partly without the limits of the Port, in respect of such vessels and of persons whether in charge of or on board such vessels, and also in respect of the licensing, registration and regulation of such vessels and persons:
Provided that no such tolls, dues, rates and charges shall be chargeable in respect of vessels which are liable to port dues under the provisions of Schedule 1 to the
Ports Act, 1908 (XV of 1908);
(b) a scale of tolls, dues, rates and charges-
(i) for the landing and shipment of goods from and in sea-going vessels, and vessels not being sea-going, respectively, at such docks, piers and anchorages as belong to the Authority, or any other agency authorised by the Authority to construct such docks;
(ii) for the use of such docks, piers, and anchorages by such vessels;
(iii) for the storing and keeping of any goods stored in any premises belonging to the Authority;
(iv) for the removal of goods; and
(v) for the use of any mooring;
(c) a scale of tolls for the use of the said docks, piers and anchorages by any such vessels, in case the Authority permits the goods to be landed or shipped by persons other than its own officers and employees; and
(d) a scale of charges for-
(i) any services to be performed by the Authority or its officers and employees in respect of any vessels or goods;
(ii) the use of any works or appliances to be provided by the Authority;
(iii) [* * *] the carrying of passengers and their personal effects on vessels belonging to, or hired by, the Authority; and
(iv) [* * *] the towing of and rendering assistance to any vessels, tugs or other boats, or their equipment, within the limits of the Port or outside those limits, for the purpose of saving or protecting life or property.
(2) Every scale framed under sub-section (1) shall be submitted to the Government and, after approval or modification by the Government, shall be published in the official Gazette.