Functions of the Institute
7. The functions of the Institute shall be to-
(a) approve the course of study in broad outlines;
(b) undertake research to ensure a stable and productive agriculture through scientific management of land and water, evolution of new varieties of various agricultural products and development of appropriate technology and pest management methods;
(c) provide the farmers with the information necessary for carrying out their farming business efficiently;
(d) set up research centres, sub-stations, project areas and farms in different regions of the country for carrying out research on various problems of agriculture;
(e) carry out demonstration tests or trial-runs of new varieties of crops and their management practices;
(f) publish annual reports, agricultural manuals, monograms, bulletins and other literatures relating to crop research and the activities of the Institute;
(g) train research and extension officers in the improved technology of crop production;
(h) provide post-graduate research facilities;
(i) organise seminars, symposiam and workshop on selected problems which may afford specialists from different research Institutes and stations opportunity to exchange ideas and be acquainted with the recent advancements in agriculture;
(j) perform such other functions as may be necessary for the purposes of this Ordinance.