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The Bangladesh Malaria Eradication Board (Repeal) Ordinance, 1977

( Ordinance NO. X OF 1977 )

Repeal of P.O. No. 99 of 1972
2. (1) The Bangladesh Malaria Eradication Board Order, 1972 (P.O. No. 99 of 1972), hereinafter referred to as the said Order, is hereby repealed.
(2) Upon the repeal of the said Order,-
(a) the Bangladesh Malaria Eradication Board, hereinafter referred to as the said Board, constituted under the said Order shall stand dissolved;
(b) all projects, assets, rights, powers, authorities and privileges and all property, movable and immovable, including cash and bank balance, funds, investments and all other rights and interests in, or arising out of, such property and all books of accounts, registers, records and all other documents of the said Board shall stand transferred to, and vested in, the Government;
(c) all debts and liabilities incurred, all obligations undertaken, all contracts entered into and all agreements made by or with the said Board and subsisting or having effect immediately before the commencement of this Ordinance shall be deemed to have been incurred, undertaken or entered into or made by or with the Government;
(d) all suits and other legal proceedings instituted by or against the said Board and pending immediately before the commencement of this Ordinance shall be deemed to have been instituted by or against the Government and may be continued and proceeded with accordingly.
(e) notwithstanding anything contained in any contract or agreement or in the conditions of service, all officers and other employees of the said Board shall unless the Government in any case otherwise directs, stand transferred to the Government on the same terms and conditions as were applicable to them immediately before the commencement of this Ordinance:
Provided that the Government may alter their remuneration or the terms and conditions of their service if such alteration is considered necessary for the sake of uniformity and in the interest of equity in service.
(3) The Government may, for the purpose of removing any difficulty in relation to the transfer and other matters specified in sub-section (2), make such orders as it considers expedient; and any such order shall be deemed to be, and have effect as, part of the provisions of this Ordinance.

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Ministry of Law, Justice and Parliamentary Affairs