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The Tea Ordinance, 1977

( Ordinance NO. XXXVIII OF 1977 )

Chapter II


Functions of the Board
7. The functions of the Board shall be-
(a) to regulate, control and promote the cultivation and export of tea;
(b) to regulate and control the sale of tea;
(c) to fix grading standards of tea and provide for training in tea tasting;
(d) to take measures to improve the quality of tea;
(e) to collect statistics from growers, manufacturers or dealers of tea or other persons on any matter relating to tea and tea industry;
(f) to organise and assist in special research connected with tea cultivation and tea industry;
(g) to promote co-operative efforts amongst growers;
(h) to undertake, assist or encourage scientific, technological, and economic research and maintain and assist in the maintenance of demonstration farms and manufacturing stations for promotion of tea and other economic crops;
(i) to issue registration of estates; and to grant licences to the owners of estates and to the manufacturers, brokers, tea waste dealers, persons dealing in tea as bidder, importer, wholesaler and retailer and persons engaged in the business of blending tea;
(j) to undertake such business, or to acquire, takeover or manage the business of such concern, as the Government may direct;
(k) to establish new tea gardens, to acquire and rehabilitate derelict tea gardens in accordance with such schemes as may be approved by the Government, and generally to render assistance to the existing tea gardens and to improve their production;
(l) to take measures for proper utilisation of the land available in the tea gardens in excess of the area under tea cultivation;
(m) to undertake welfare measures for tea garden labourers and employees; and
(n) to take such measures as may appear to it to be advisable in the interest of tea industry of Bangladesh and to perform such other functions as the Government may, from time to time, direct.

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Ministry of Law, Justice and Parliamentary Affairs