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The Bangladesh Sericulture Board Ordinance, 1977

( Ordinance NO. LXII OF 1977 )

Account and audit
14. (1) The Board shall maintain proper accounts and other relevant records, and prepare annual statement of accounts in accordance with such general directions as may be issued, and in such form as may be specified, by the Government in consultation with the Comptroller and Auditor-General, hereinafter referred to as the Auditor-General.
(2) The accounts of the Board shall be audited by not less than two auditors, being chartered accountants within the meaning of the Bangladesh Chartered Accountants Order, 1973 (P.O. No. 2 of 1973), who shall be appointed by the Government on such remuneration as the Government may think fit, and such remuneration shall be paid by the Board.
(3) Notwithstanding anything contained in sub-section (2), the Auditor-General may, at any time, either on his own motion or upon a request made in this behalf by the Government, undertake such audit of the accounts of the Board as may be considered necessary, and the Board shall, at the time of such audit, produce the books of accounts and connected documents at such place or places as the Auditor-General or any officer authorised by him in this behalf may ask for.
(4) Every auditor appointed under sub-section (2) shall be given a copy of the annual balance-sheet and other accounts of the Board and shall examine it together with the account books and vouchers relating thereto; and shall have a list delivered to
him of all books kept by the Board, and shall, at all reasonable times, have access to the books of accounts and other documents of the Board, and may, in relation to such accounts, examine any member or officer of the Board.
(5) The auditors shall report to the Government upon the annual balance-sheet and accounts, and in their report they shall state whether in their opinion the balance-sheet contains all necessary particulars and is properly drawn up so as to exhibit a true and correct view of the state of affairs of the Board and, if they have called for any explanation or information from the Board, whether it has been given and whether it is satisfactory.
(6) The Board shall comply with any direction issued by the Government for the rectification of matters objected to in the audit report.

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