Functions of the Council
5. The functions of the Council shall be-
(a) to [initiate], promote and guide scientific, industrial and technological research having a bearing on problems connected with the establishment and development of industries and such other allied matters as the Government may refer to it;
(b) to establish, maintain and develop laboratories, workshops, institutes, centres and organisations for furtherance of scientific and industrial research with the object of utilising and exploiting the economic resources of the country in the best possible manner;
(c) to give grants-in-aid for specific scientific, industrial and technological research schemes and projects of the Universities as by law established and other research institutions;
(d) to adopt measures for the commercial utilisation of discoveries and inventions resulting from the researches carried on by the Council, Universities or by any other research organisation;
(e) to establish and award fellowships in areas of research covered by the Council;
(f) to collect and disseminate information on scientific, industrial and technological matters and publish scientific papers, reports and periodicals on such matters;
(g) to encourage establishment of industrial research organisations;
(h) to maintain contact with scientific, industrial and technological research organisations of other countries;
(i) to take out patents and make arrangement for the industrial utilisation of research processes developed in the institutes and laboratories established by the Council;
(j) to establish such libraries, museums, experimental plantations and herbaria as the Board may consider appropriate;
(k) to do such other acts and things as may be necessary for carrying out the purposes of this Ordinance.