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The Madrasah Education Ordinance, 1978

( Ordinance NO. IX OF 1978 )

Chapter II


Term of office of members of the Board
6. (1) Subject to the provisions of this Ordinance, a member, other than the ex-officio member, shall hold office for a term of three years from the date on which his name is published by notification under section 5, and may, on the expiration of such term, be eligible for re-appointment or re-nomination.
(2) A person nominated by the Government under clauses (d) to (i) of section 4 shall cease to be a member as soon as he ceases to hold the office by virtue of which he was nominated.
(3) Any member, other than the ex-officio member and the Chairman, may resign his membership by a letter addressed to the Chairman and, in the case of the Chairman, he may resign his membership by a letter addressed to the President:
Provided that the resignation shall not take effect until it is accepted by the President or the Government, as the case may be.
(4) The President or the Government may, at any time by order in writing, remove any member other than an ex-officio member appointed or nominated by him or it from his office if the President or, as the case may be, the Government considers such removal necessary or expedient in public interest or in the interest of the Board.
(5) The Government may, at any time by order in writing, remove the member nominated by the Director of Technical Education under clause (c) of section 4 from his office if it considers such removal necessary or expedient in public interest or in the interest of the Board.

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