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The Bangla Academy Ordinance, 1978

( Ordinance NO. XIX OF 1978 )

Meeting of the Academy
9. (1) The Academy shall meet within three months of the close of the financial year in a meeting to be called the Annual General Meeting on a date, time and place to be fixed by the Mahaparichalak with the approval of the President of the Academy:
Provided that one month's notice shall be required for holding the meeting:
Provided further that at least two-thirds of the members shall be required to form a quorum:
Provided further that if the meeting is adjourned for want of a quorum, no quorum shall be necessary for the adjourned meeting.
(2) The annual budget of the Academy as approved by the Government shall be placed before the Academy at the Annual General Meeting for information and discussion:
Provided that a copy of the approved annual budget shall be circulated among the members at least thirty days prior to the date fixed for the meeting.
(3) The Mahaparichalak may, in consultation with the President of the Academy, and shall, upon requisition in writing signed by not less than one third of the total members of the Academy, convene a special meeting of the Academy:
Provided that at least fifteen days' notice shall be given for the meeting:
Provided further that at least one-half of the members shall be required to form a quorum:
Provided further that if the meeting is adjourned for want of a quorum, no quorum shall be necessary for the adjourned meeting.
(4) The President of the Academy shall preside over the meetings, and in his absence the Vice-President, and in the absence of both the President and the Vice-President, any member elected by the members present shall preside over such meeting.
(5) Each member shall have one vote and in the case of equality of votes, the President or the person presiding over the meeting shall have a second or casting vote.
(6) At any meeting, a declaration by the President or the person presiding over such meeting that a resolution has been carried or lost shall be conclusive.
(7) Proceedings of a meeting shall be recorded and circulated to the members of the Academy within three weeks of the meeting and shall be deemed to have been correctly recorded if no objection in writing is received from any member present at the meeting within a fortnight of their circulation, and the proceedings so circulated shall be submitted at the next meeting for information.

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