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The Bangla Academy Ordinance, 1978

( Ordinance NO. XIX OF 1978 )

13. (1) There shall be Mahaparichalak who shall be appointed by the Government for such period and on such terms and conditions as may be determined by the Government.
(2) If a vacancy occurs in the office of the Mahaparichalak or if the Mahaparichalak is unable to discharge the functions of his office on account of absence, illness or any other cause, the Sachib shall act as Mahaparichalak until a new Mahaparichalak is appointed or until the Mahaparichalak resumes the functions of his office, as the case may be.
(3) The Mahaparichalak shall be the whole-time chief executive officer of the Academy and shall-
(a) implement all decisions of the Parishad;
(b) administer the Academy properly and observe the provisions of this Ordinance and the rules made thereunder faithfully;
(c) convene meetings of the Academy and the Parishad;
(d) make temporary appointments of officers and other employees of the Academy for a period not exceeding four months in cases of immediate necessity and report the same to the Parishad at its next meeting;
(e) initiate policies for consideration and approval of the Parishad in addition to the policies initiated by its members with due notice;
(f) tender advice to the Parishad as regards its financial matters;
(g) present the annual statements of income and expenditure, that is, the annual budget of the Academy, before the Parishad and the Academy;
(h) allow expenditure for making payment to the officers and other employees of the Academy and for its normal contingency for a period in between the passage of the budget and the close of the financial year;
(i) draw his travelling allowance bills;
(j) approve and countersign the travelling allowance bills of all other officers and employees including the members of the Parishad in the prescribed manner;
(k) prepare a report on the activities of the Academy for each financial year for the approval of the Parishad and submit such report to the Academy at its Annual General Meeting;
(l) take, in case of an emergency, such action as he deems necessary:
Provided that he shall report the action so taken to the Parishad at its next meeting, and to the Government, if so required, within fourteen days.

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Ministry of Law, Justice and Parliamentary Affairs