Chapter V
Subordination of Courts of Small Causes
28. (1) A Court of Small Causes shall be subject to the administrative control of the District Court and to the superintendence of the [High Court Division], and shall-
(a) keep such registers, books and accounts as the [High Court Division] from time to time prescribes, and
(b) comply with such requisitions as may be made by the District Court, the [High Court Division] or the Government for records, returns and statements in such form and manner as the authority making the requisition directs.
(2) The relation of the District Court to a Court of Small Causes, with respect to administrative control, shall be the same as that of the District Court to a Civil Court of the lowest grade competent to try an original suit of the value of [one lac Taka] in that portion of the territories administered by the Government in which the Court of Small Causes is established.
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Ministry of Law, Justice and Parliamentary Affairs