The Civil Courts Act, 1887

( ACT NO. XII OF 1887 )

1♣An Act to consolidate and amend the law relating to Civil Courts in Bangladesh.
WHEREAS it is expedient to consolidate and amend the law relating to Civil Courts in Bangladesh; It is hereby enacted as follows:-



1. Title, extent and commencement

2. [Repealed]

3. Classes of Civil Courts

4. Number of Judges

5. [Repealed]

6. Vacancies among District or Joint District Judges

7. [Omitted]

8. Additional District Judges

9. Administrative control of Courts

10. Temporary charge of District Court

11. Transfer of proceedings on vacation of office of Joint District Judge

12. [Omitted]

13. Power to fix local limits of jurisdiction of Courts

14. Place of sitting of Courts

15. Vacations of Courts

16. Seals of Courts

17. Continuance of proceedings of Courts ceasing to have jurisdiction

18. Extent of original jurisdiction of District or Joint District Judge

19. Extent of jurisdiction of Senior Assistant Judge, etc.

20. [Appeal from District and Additional District Judges]

21. [Appeal from Joint District Judge, etc.]

22. [Power of District Judge to transfer appeals]

23. Exercise by Joint District Judge or Senior Assistant Judge or Assistant Judge of Jurisdiction of District Court in certain proceedings

24. Disposal of proceedings referred to in last foregoing section

25A. Reference of Judges in other laws

25. Power to invest Joint District Judges and [Senior Assistant Judges or Assistant Judges with Small Cause Court jurisdiction]

26-35. [Omitted]

36. Power to confer powers of Civil Courts on officers

37. Certain decisions to be according to local law

38. Judges not to try suits in which they are interested

39. Subordination of Courts to District Court

40. Application of Act to Courts of Small Causes
